Its important to mention that technological advancement has replaced low skilled jobs as well as to a great extent improved the productivity of various corporate organizations. One of the major factors that has contributed to job losses is because of off shoring of certain jobs to Asian countries like India, China and parts of Middle East.
While a certain difference is noticed in some parts of USA as not every city in America is under the impact of recession there are some cities which offer job vacancies in various fields In fact there are at least ten major U. S. cities that are in need of new college graduates who are ready to work for them among them Baltimore in Maryland is one such city which is very close to Washington D. C. offering government job thousands of job seekers.
Baltimore also has many local universities that employ thousands of young people who work as professors, office workers for government agencies and even university administrators. Another city in US which offers unique jobs is Washington DC which has thousands of government job vacancies which needs to be filled up.
Boston Massachusetts is believed to be recession proof city because Boston has many various businesses that widely keeps the economy thriving even in these age of recession.
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Jobs in USA on Recession Time
Posted by
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Labels: city in US , government job , jobs in USA , jobs is Washington
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