The vast country of USA offers great employment opportunities and people from different parts of the world come to seek here jobs. A look at the job scenario in U.S reveals to us many interesting facts about the recent changes in career opportunities in the USA. Statistics reveals that after almost five years of annual increases in employment, recruitment of college graduates is likely to fall in the coming years. More than 20% of employers have stopped hiring in USA or are following a very cautious move while they recruit. Its important to note that recruitment in some fields have not dropped in US as there's constant demand for we qualified professionals.The slow process of hiring in the America has actually affected the job growth in the country and now a days graduates are preferring to work on part time basis. In addition, some graduate students have decided to delay their graduation since they believe in this age of recession a research assistantship is more secure than no job at all. US employers feel 28 per cent expect to increase payrolls, 7 per cent expect to reduce the employment of staff levels and 59 per cent want no change in the hiring pace. In fields of mining, construction, wholesale, retail trade and services employers are moving cautiously hiring while in US areas of work like transportation, public utilities and finance, insurance, real estate hiring managers have seen marked improved job prospect.
Though the fact that US economy is facing one of the severest job crunches in the decade as several high bracket paying jobs are getting the axed several jobs lowered down the job seekers are now moving towards initiating new career development programmers so as to enhance their career skills.
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Jobs in USA: Great Employment Opportunities
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Monday, June 15, 2009
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